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Privacy policy


How we govern

motusbank recognizes the important role that effective governance plays in providing the basis for confidence among our members, employees, depositors, creditors and regulatory agencies.  Our corporate governance practices are guided by core principles, policies and practices that meet the requirements of regulatory authorities, promote the highest standards of ethical behaviour and risk management throughout the organization, and that seek continuous improvement to align with industry-leading standards.

Management Board of directors Board Committees Contact the board Code of ethics Regulatory disclosures

Contact the board

While the Board oversees Management, it does not participate in any of the motusbank day-to-day operations. If you have a Board-specific request or issue, please contact the Board of Directors at any time. The Corporate Secretary will review all inquiries and direct any to the appropriate person if a response is required.

To contact a member of the Board

Attn:  Name of Board Member
c/o Corporate Secretary
3280 Bloor Street West
Centre Tower, Suite 2700
Toronto, ON M8X 2X3


To contact our Corporate Secretary

Attn:  Lorraine Ladha, Corporate Secretary
3280 Bloor Street West
Centre Tower, Suite 2700
Toronto, ON M8X 2X3


Code of Ethics

One important way that motusbank promotes our values and communicates the behaviours and actions expected from our employees, officers and directors is through our Code of Ethics (“Code”).    

motusbank is committed to a policy and practice of fair dealing and integrity in the conduct of business. This commitment is based on a fundamental belief that business should be conducted honestly, fairly and in accordance with law and sound ethical conduct for the benefit and protection of motusbank, its employees, members, board and supplier partners, and to help to maintain motusbank’s reputation for integrity.

All employees, directors and officers of motusbank, its subsidiaries and affiliates are expected to share this commitment to high moral, ethical and legal standards.  As a demonstration of this commitment, they are required to be familiar with the Code, and agree to abide with our Code as a condition of employment, and to review the Code annually and affirm that they understand their role in upholding motusbank’s ethical standards.